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Refresh Your Work Routine This Fall

The fall season is a time of transition. The leaves turn colors in autumn, the weather gets cooler, and the days become shorter.

In the workplace, it is a time of change as well. New projects or initiatives are often initiated in the fall. Additionally, there is often an urgency to get the work done before the end of the year.

In this fast-paced environment, though, being prepared is crucial. To do this, you can refresh your work routine. To improve your productivity and well-being, you should at least take some time to reflect on what’s working and what’s not.

Why you need to refresh your routine this fall.

If you want to refresh your work routine in the fall, consider these reasons:

  • It will help you become more productive. Fall is a busy time of year, so you should be as productive as possible. By refreshing your work routine, you can be more productive, avoid distractions, and focus better.
  • Stress reduction. Fall can also be a stressful time of year. By creating a more organized and peaceful work environment, refreshing your work routine can help reduce stress.
  • Motivational boost. It can be helpful to refresh your work routine if you feel unmotivated. By adjusting your routine, you will feel more engaged and motivated at work.
  • To achieve a better work-life balance. Taking care of yourself and reviewing your work-life balance are great things to do in the fall. It is possible to create a more sustainable work schedule and make time to do the things you value by refreshing your work routine.
  • Adapting to change. As mentioned above, the fall is a time of transition at work. However, adapting to change can be easier with a refreshed work routine.

To start off the fall season, here are a few tips for refreshing your work routine.

Reset your goals.

What are you hoping to achieve this fall? By identifying your goals, you can develop a work routine to help you achieve them.

It is also true that setting goals can make you miserable. It is not uncommon for side effects such as burnout, stress, and disillusionment to occur.

In order to ensure a positive experience when setting goals, you must devise better ones. A good suggestion is to set challenging but attainable goals.

A key figure in goal-setting research for over four decades has been psychologist Edwin Locke. Three consistent findings emerge from his research:

  • Performance is improved by setting goals.
  • Goals that are hard improve performance more than goals that are easy.
  • Setting specific goals is more effective than just trying to “do your best.”

According to early goal-setting research, difficulty and performance are inverted U-shaped.

In other words, easy goals usually lead to weak attempts, but challenging goals also do. For goals to be effective, they need to be challenging and believable. It is impossible to achieve a goal if you do not believe you can.

In short, you should therefore set goals that will require effort on your part, but which you are confident you can accomplish.

De-clutter and create a calm atmosphere.

Spring cleaning is usually the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about clutter clearing. Ideally, this should be done twice a year, and changing the seasons is the perfect time for it.

Why? When you’re organized, you’re more likely to develop good habits. Furthermore, good organization frees up time and headspace for you.

Feeling overwhelmed about where to begin? Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Get your closet in order. Get out your fall wardrobe and pack up your summer clothes. This will free up space in your closet and make dressing easier each morning.
  • Make sure your pantry is fresh. Foods that have expired should be discarded. You can donate any dry foods nearing their expiration date to your local food bank to prevent them from going to waste.
  • Declutter your workspace. Don’t keep anything you don’t use, need, or love on your desk, drawers, and shelves. Personal items, old papers, and unused supplies should be thrown away.
  • Create a system for organizing your files. The method could involve using folders, binders, or a digital filing system. Clearly label everything so you can find it easily.
  • Find a home for everything. You should have a designated spot for each item on your desk, office, or home. By doing this, you’ll avoid clutter and find things more easily.
  • Update your phone. The tool you use most to organize your digital world is your phone, which is as cumbersome as physical clutter. It may be time to start grouping your apps by category into folders if you find yourself swiping through multiple pages to find the app you’re looking for.

Stay in-bounds.

I can’t stress this enough. Setting a boundary between your personal and work lives is crucial. For example, don’t check work emails outside of work hours, and don’t work on personal projects after work.

Since the fall means the return of football, let’s take this concept a step further and keep you in bounds.

You can get a first down in time management by staying in bounds by following these tips:

  • Set clear boundaries. Identify your priorities and limits so that you can spend your time how you want to. Also, communicate your boundaries clearly and concisely.
  • Learn to say no. When requests take up too much of your time or don’t align with your priorities, it’s okay to say no.
  • Block time in your calendar. Work, family, hobbies, and self-care should all be scheduled into your calendar.
  • Set reminders and deadlines. Procrastination can be avoided if you do this.
  • Delegate tasks. Whenever possible, delegate tasks to others to free up your time for more important matters.
  • Take breaks. In order to avoid burnout, it is essential to take breaks throughout the day. Getting up and moving around or stepping outside will help you feel better.
  • Avoid distractions. Disable your phone notifications, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and work in a quiet location.
  • Be flexible. Be prepared to adjust your schedule as necessary because things don’t always go as planned.
  • Don’t be afraid to adjust your boundaries. Adapting your boundaries may be necessary as your life changes.

To stay within bounds, follow these examples:

  • Keep meetings on track and avoid going off-topic.
  • Establish a deadline for your project and stick to it.
  • Put your phone away when you are spending time with your family.
  • Don’t do anything work-related while taking a break.
  • Remember that you are in control of your time if you feel overwhelmed.

It is essential to protect your time in order to live a healthy and productive life. Using these tips will help you stay within bounds and get the most out of your time.

Adapt your workday to the new time.

A time change is something many people dread, unless, of course, they live somewhere that doesn’t observe daylight savings time. What’s an easy way to cope with these feelings of anxiety and dread? Make the most of the change.

“Turn the change into something positive. ‘Fall back’ is a good time to transition to an earlier bedtime because of the light shift. Consider letting natural light in through your windows in the mornings,” says time management coach Anna Dearmon Kornick.

Think about how you can handle the time change at work as you adjust your personal routines. Everyone is experiencing a tough time at the moment. In this case, you might want to ask yourself: What can you do to help yourself and your colleagues adjust?

“During the week surrounding the time change, be mindful that the change is coming. Shift your meetings later in the day to be kind to your team and yourself,” recommends Kornick.

Keep moving.

In a survey of 2,000 adults, it was revealed that they exercised four times a week on average during the summer but 31 percent less frequently during the winter months.

Even though we might change our routines as the seasons change, we can’t forget that movement is essential for our mind, body, and soul.

  • Get up 30 minutes earlier. Can you run before the rest of the house gets up? Now that’s a good feeling. Why not spend 20 minutes practicing yoga before getting into the kitchen? It can be as simple as adding 15 extra minutes to your morning dog walk to help you get the day started right.
  • Put it on your calendar. Whether it’s a team meeting or a doctor’s appointment, you’re always on time, so why not give your workout the same importance? You are likelier to stay on track if you block out work time on your calendar.
  • Schedule recurring walks/runs with a friend. Making a fitness plan with someone else makes us less likely to break our commitment. Walking, running, or taking a workout class with a friend keeps you in shape and allows you to socialize.

Identify your sleep chronotype.

Dr. Michael Breus, an expert on sleep, describes four chronotypes based on the body’s circadian rhythm. By identifying which type you are, you can mirror your sleeping and waking habits accordingly, notes Abby Miller in a previous Calendar article.

  • Bear. It is likely that most of us fall into this category. They follow the sun’s sleep-wake cycle. They’re “ready for intense tasks smack in the middle of the morning,” then feel a dip by midday.
  • Lion. As a lion, you’re an early riser. “These are the go-getters, the leaders, the type-A movers and shakers.” In addition, they tire out earlier and don’t stay up too late.
  • Wolf. The wolf is a nocturnal animal. As a result, they begin later in the day and peak in the late afternoon and early evening. Additionally, wolves enjoy alone time and are makers.
  • Dolphin. Dolphins can have irregular sleep patterns because they are light sleepers. Additionally, they are perfectionists and work best between midday and early afternoon.

You can find out your sleep chronotype by tracking your time and taking Dr. Breus’s quiz. Next, reorganize your day to align your work schedule with your sleep pattern. In the case of a lion, you would want to begin your most important work as soon as possible.

Return to mindfulness.

Spending long, warm summer days in the sun is one of the best things about summer. It’s important to keep our mindfulness practices in check during the fall when all the outdoor fun leaves us with little time to practice them.

You might consider taking on a 30-day meditation challenge. The first step is to declutter your mind every day for 10 minutes. After that, you can commit to a 30-day meditation challenge.

No matter what kind of meditation you choose to do, whether you choose guided meditation, binaural beats, or just quiet contemplation, there are plenty of programs out there (free or subscription-based) that can assist you.

Find a new challenge.

If you’re bored or unchallenged, take on a new project or challenge at work. You will be able to stay motivated and engaged if you do this.

If you are looking for a new challenge at work, here are some ideas:

  • Talk to your manager. Describe what you are looking for in terms of more responsibility or new skills. You may be able to find projects or assignments suited to your skills and abilities through them.
  • Implement a brand-new process or procedure. You may streamline an existing process or design a new one from scratch. New processes or procedures can save time and money for the company.
  • Develop a new product or service. Using your creativity and problem-solving skills is a great way to get the most out of this activity. You can also find great satisfaction in developing new products or services.
  • Look for opportunities to volunteer for new tasks. Assist with special projects, join a committee, or mentor a new employee. Your willingness to take on new challenges can be demonstrated by volunteering.
  • Attend training courses or workshops. Your current or future role can benefit from these new skills and knowledge. It is common for companies to offer their employees opportunities for training and development.
  • Network with colleagues in other departments or teams. By doing this, you can better understand what the company has to offer.
  • Take on a public speaking engagement. This could be an in-person presentation, a conference presentation, or a webinar. Confidence and credibility can be built through public speaking.
  • Keep your eyes open for new positions within the company. Apply for any job postings that interest you. Even if you don’t get the job, you’ll gain insight into the position and practice interviewing skills.

Stack habits.

Do you know what habit stacking is? Essentially, you stack new habits on top of your current ones to create new ones.

  • Add a new habit to an existing one. Stretching, for instance, can be combined with an activity you know you will do every day, such as taking a shower. By doing so, you will stretch for five minutes every time you shower.
  • Take things slowly. A habit-stacking routine can begin with something as simple as saying one thing you’re grateful for after you wake up. From there, you can start stacking on more habits.
  • Make tomorrow easier by stacking habits. Whenever you put away dinner dishes, remember to fill your coffee maker. Your future self will appreciate those few extra minutes saved in the morning.


In order to remain productive and motivated throughout the fall, it may be a good idea to refresh your work routine. With these tips, you can develop a work routine that works best for you.

In addition, you may want to consider the following tips:

  • Try a new productivity app. You can stay organized and on track with productivity apps.
  • Take a class or workshop. Engaging and motivating yourself can be accomplished through learning something new.
  • Find a mentor or coach. It can be helpful to have someone to support and guide you.
  • Join a networking group. Staying inspired and motivated can be achieved by connecting with other professionals.

Be sure to find what works for you and your specific needs, regardless of what you do. To ensure success in the fall, you must be proactive and take steps to refresh your work routine.


Why should I refresh my routine?

Refreshing your routine has many benefits. As a result, you will be able to:

  • Break out of a rut. Getting bored or unmotivated is easy when you do the same thing every day. You can feel more energized after refreshing your routine.
  • Improve your productivity. By creating a routine, you can save time and accomplish more. Your routine can be refreshed to help you identify areas where your efficiency can be improved.
  • Reduce stress. A feeling of overwhelm or loss of control can exacerbate stress. You can reduce your stress levels by refreshing your routine and feeling more in control.
  • Boost your mood. It is possible to improve your mood and outlook by doing things you enjoy. Adding more activities that bring you joy can be accomplished by refreshing your routine.
  • Promote your well-being. For a happy and fulfilling life, it is essential to take good care of your physical and mental health. Make time to exercise, eat nutritious foods, and get enough sleep by refreshing your routine.

What steps can I take to refresh my routine?

  • Assess your current routine. What do you enjoy doing? Do you feel that there are certain things that are necessary? How can you get rid of the things that don’t serve you anymore?
  • Identify areas for improvement. You can begin to identify areas where you could make some changes once you have a solid understanding of your current routine. You may want to add new activities, remove old ones, or reorganize your activities in a different order.
  • Make small changes. When refreshing your routine, it’s essential to start small. Make small changes over time rather than trying to make everything change at once. You can start by making a few small changes and see how you feel afterward. It is always possible to make more changes in the future.
  • Be patient. When you start a new routine, it takes some time to get used to it. Getting used to new routines may take some time, so don’t get discouraged if you aren’t perfect at first. Once you get into the habit, it will become second nature.

How often should I refresh my routine?

This question does not have a right or wrong answer. Some people may have to refresh their routine every few months, while others can go longer. It really depends on the preferences and needs of each individual.

However, feeling bored, unmotivated, or stressed may be a sign that your routine needs to be refreshed. There is power in even the smallest changes. Therefore, don’t be afraid to experiment and discover what works best for you.

What are some ways I can stay motivated to keep my routine fresh?

To keep yourself motivated, here are a few tips:

  • Set specific goals. By refreshing your routine, what do you hope to achieve?
  • Track your progress. You can stay motivated by tracking your progress.
  • Reward yourself. If you achieve a goal, reward yourself with something you enjoy.
  • Find a support system. The encouragement and support of friends or family who are also readjusting their routines can be helpful.
  • Don’t give up. There will inevitably be times when you feel like giving up. However, if you persevere, you will eventually succeed.

You can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health by refreshing your routine. You can live your best life by making small changes to your routine.

Image Credit: Polina Kovaleva; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Refresh Your Work Routine This Fall appeared first on Calendar.




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