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HomeEntrepreneurshipBoost Employee Success with These 3 Proven Strategies

Boost Employee Success with These 3 Proven Strategies

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When your employees experience success, your company experiences success. This makes it imperative for you to help your workers so they can succeed. However, you can’t relegate your support to their professional lives but their personal ones as well. That way, they’ll be more poised to apply themselves when they’re working — and that’s good for them and for your business.

Employees who are unencumbered by burdens and stress have more time and energy to devote to their occupations. They can dive into projects and harness the creativity and problem-solving so necessary for innovation. This encourages them to find meaning in their output. As a recent Paychex survey showed, having meaningful work is a key reason many people stay with their employers. Workers who are succeeding are, therefore, not just more likely to share their talents but are apt to stick around. That’s good for any company, especially on the heels of the Great Resignation.

Related: Are You Taking Care of Your Employee’s Mental Health?

How do you set the stage to boost your workers’ success? Aside from being respectful and offering fair compensation, try these strategies.

1. Provide mental health and well-being support.

Research from Pathways indicates that mood disorders like depression will affect one out of six American adults. Like any condition, depression doesn’t just affect a person’s home life. It affects everything they do, including their career. Yet, it can be difficult for employees who are suffering to feel comfortable or confident starting a treatment plan or even rehab. What they need is a psychologically safe workplace environment that gives them room to improve their mental health.

If you haven’t done so already, revisit your benefits package. See if there is a mental health component. For example, you may want to ensure your health insurance options include mental health coverage. Additionally, make certain your managers are watchful for signs of burnout and depression in their direct reports. These signs can include difficulty concentrating, anger, or any unusual, uncharacteristic behaviors, according to Pathways.

Of course, not all employees who are irritable are dealing with depression. Nevertheless, those who are struggling may be more willing to get treated if their supervisors facilitate genuinely caring conversations. And without the cloud of depression and mental illness, they can better hone their talents and show off their skills.

2. Remove your employees’ nagging obstacles and friction points.

It’s impossible to be successful when employees aren’t given the right tools or resources. For instance, if you expect your people to optimize their workflows, you’ll need to invest in more tech. Similarly, you may have to be flexible in letting team members have autonomy in terms of their working arrangements. This can include allowing remote-capable employees to work from home or another location at least some of the time.

Currently, around half of the organizations with remote-capable workers are operating in a hybrid fashion per Gallup. Not only is this strategy working, but it’s allowing employees to better structure their days. The result has been a surge in self-reported productivity levels. More productivity naturally leads to more on-the-job success.

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Not sure what roadblocks could be holding back your workers? Ask them. They’ll be able to tell you where their biggest friction points are. With that knowledge, you can make changes to address those pains and give them the freedom to move ahead faster.

3. Offer constant, relevant upskilling and retraining opportunities.

A full 68% of workers surveyed by the University of Phoenix said they’d stay for the long haul with an employer that upskilled them. Why, then, aren’t more companies offering professional development? The answer is that many are, but their training may be lacking the relevance and depth that it needs to have to make a lasting difference. A good example of this would be one-and-done training on a new software program. Some people might find the training interesting but not pertinent. Consequently, though they technically were trained, they weren’t trained on something fitting for their positions.

Ideally, each worker should be able to engage in personalized upskilling that leverages core strengths, aptitudes, and future goals. Again, this is where some employee feedback and surveys can be invaluable. These vehicles can show what kinds of training are “nice to have” and which are “need to have.” After every employee training experience, managers can serve in mentoring roles to guide their direct reports from milestone to milestone. In time, this process will improve not just workers’ abilities but their confidence.

Remember, though, that training doesn’t always have to be formal to have a serious impact. Professional development can take place informally. Let’s say you have a budding sales leader who needs more exposure to the broader sales field. You might want to send her to an annual industry convention. That way, she can get more knowledge as well as network with peers. More exposure to experts in her desired career path can help her achieve her occupational objectives.

Related: Motivation is the Secret to a Successful Team — Are Your Employees Motivated? 4 Tips for Empowering New Hires

Your employees want to feel like they’re doing their best. Now is the chance for you to make it easier for them to be as successful as possible. To start, you have to put some measures in place to serve as springboards so they can rev up their acumen and accomplishments.




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