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HomeEntrepreneurshipHow My Hispanic Heritage Fueled My Journey as an Entrepreneur

How My Hispanic Heritage Fueled My Journey as an Entrepreneur

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Entrepreneurship isn’t just something I chose — it’s in my DNA. My family’s story is one of relentless hustle and sacrifice, starting with my grandparents who left everything behind in Cuba for a better future. What they taught me about hard work, grit and resilience shaped everything I’ve done in my career.

Growing up as the son of Cuban immigrants, I didn’t learn business from textbooks. Instead, my path was shaped by my parents’ sacrifices and hustle — values that are deeply rooted in my Hispanic heritage. These values have driven me to build a successful career, blending cultural pride with business acumen.

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, I think a lot about how much I owe to my family. Both my mom and dad came to the U.S. as young kids, with parents who had nothing. My late grandfather had a tile-setting business, and my mom learned about entrepreneurship from him when she was just a kid. She modeled that same hustle and work ethic for me as I grew up. My dad always told me stories about growing up in Cuba — hustling as a kid to bring money home to his single mother and later balancing side hustles before being drafted into the U.S. Army.

These stories of generational hustle were ingrained in me early on. My dad, a Vietnam War vet, always said, “Climb the ladder of success, and you’ll be rewarded.” What he didn’t say was that the climb never ends. That lesson shaped how I approach life and work, especially as a first-generation Hispanic-American navigating corporate America.

Related: 4 Current Challenges and Triumphs of Hispanic Business Owners

Lessons learned from watching my parents

My parents never called themselves “entrepreneurs.” They were just doing what it took to make a living. But watching them run businesses from the ground up taught me the ropes. It was their sacrifices, long hours and constant grind that taught me the most important lesson: Outwork everyone.

From this, I learned that the key to survival, whether in business or life, is adaptability — constantly seeking out opportunities even when circumstances aren’t ideal.

Being Hispanic-American didn’t necessarily set me apart in the workplace, but it fueled my drive. It gave me a mindset that success comes from grinding, day in and day out. In every role I’ve had — whether in marketing, consulting or now as U.S. Brand Evangelist at GetResponse — I’ve leaned on that lesson and worked to prove my value.

Bilingualism and cultural intelligence — my secret weapons

Being bilingual in English and Spanish has been one of my greatest career assets. It’s opened doors I might not have had access to otherwise. I’ve led marketing campaigns targeting Hispanic consumers, worked with global brands and spoken at conferences across Latin and South America.

But it’s not just about language — it’s about understanding culture. Having deep roots in Hispanic culture has given me an edge, especially in corporate settings. It’s helped me stand out in interviews and build authentic connections in business. In today’s world, being able to connect with diverse audiences is a game-changer.

At GetResponse, where I lead U.S. brand efforts, my heritage helps me appreciate diversity in the workplace. I connect with colleagues from around the world who share similar immigrant stories, and together, we create opportunities for ourselves and the next generation. This cultural bond fosters strong collaboration and helps us build something meaningful.

Related: 7 Hispanic Business Leaders Reveal Their Top Advice For Taking Your Company From Zero to Success

The true pioneers of change

We often think of big names like Zuckerberg and Musk when we talk about “pioneers of change.” But to me, the real pioneers were my grandparents. They left everything behind in Cuba in the ’50s and ’60s so their kids — and eventually I — could have a better life in the U.S. They took the risks and laid the foundation for the opportunities I have today.

Their courage and hustle inspire me every day. Every business decision I make, every step I take, is a direct result of the path they created. I carry their resilience with me in every aspect of my career.

Passing down the lessons

Now that I’m a father of two teenagers, I make sure to pass down those same lessons. I teach my kids that success isn’t handed to you — you earn it through hard work. Resilience, sacrifice and grit are the values that create lasting change, and it’s up to us to keep those principles alive.

There were times in my entrepreneurial journey when I questioned whether the hustle was worth it, especially when things weren’t going as planned. But then I’d remember the sacrifices my family made and the grit they modeled for me, and I knew I couldn’t give up. That’s how we shape the future — one generation at a time. These lessons started with my grandparents, passed down to my parents, and now, I’m passing them down to my kids.

Actionable insights for future Hispanic entrepreneurs

For the next generation of Hispanic entrepreneurs, the road ahead may be challenging, but it’s full of potential. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way:

  • Leverage your cultural advantage: If you’re bilingual or bicultural, lean into it. Businesses need leaders who understand diverse markets, and your background is an asset that can help you stand out.

  • Outwork everyone: Success isn’t easy, but the drive to outwork others will set you apart. Whether you’re running your own business or climbing the corporate ladder, the grind never stops.

  • Build authentic relationships: Be real. Be true to your roots and your story. Authenticity creates deeper connections, and those connections can lead to incredible opportunities.

  • Resilience is key: Setbacks will happen. What defines your success is how you bounce back. Take pride in your resilience, because it’s your greatest strength.

Related: Passion, Grit, Resilience: The Formula for Success

The legacy of my family’s journey from Cuba to the U.S. pushes me to keep working hard. Change started with them, and it continues with me — and with you. We all have the power to be pioneers of change in our own way.

Our Hispanic heritage fuels our work ethic, resilience and drive to succeed. As Hispanic entrepreneurs, we honor the legacy of those who came before us by seizing the opportunities they fought for. Your heritage is not just your story — it’s your competitive edge. Use it, embrace it, and let it fuel your path forward.




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