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HomeTravel'My mum's snack wasn't plane-friendly - so I threw it away before...

‘My mum’s snack wasn’t plane-friendly – so I threw it away before her flight’ | Travel News | Travel

A man took to Reddit with an interesting sandwich conundrum, explaining why he threw his mum’s tuna sandwich away before her flight.

He told the forum that his mum always packs a sandwich when she travels, typically going for the ham and cheese variety.

The last time he drove her to the airport he explained that she hadn’t had time to go to the deli so packed herself a tuna sandwich – much to his concern.

He enquired as to whether she would be eating it at the airport – “nope” and she revealed that she planned on saving it in case she was “peckish midair”.

The disgruntled son said: “I tried to tell her that tuna isn’t something you should really be eating in close quarters with recycled air, that the smell would probably bother other people.”

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However, his mum was “adamant” that her tuna sarnie was a more than acceptable plane snack.

When he told his mum that it would “bother” him if someone on his flight whipped out a tuna sandwich, his mum “did not budge”.

Taking matters – and the sandwich – into his own hands, he secretly tossed the sandwich out into the rubbish bin when his mum was unloading her luggage from the car.

His mother only noticed once she had been through security and subsequently sent him a “p***** off text”.

He concluded: “I told her to get something in the airport and I’ll pay her back but tuna really isn’t a plane-friendly snack. Am I the a******?”

The comments section was flooded with opinions, some siding with the son but most suggesting he should have let her mum enjoy her smelly sandwich.

One Reddit user said: “You threw your mother’s food away because you were more concerned about strangers’ feelings and comfort? No happiness for you today Mum… I have to protect all these people who I do not know and will never see!

“She’s an adult, she can make her own decisions. She wouldn’t be the first and won’t be the last to eat something smelly on a plane. They don’t throw people off planes for eating. You did nothing but needlessly upset your mother. You’re not the hero in this story.

“I would have bought another tuna sandwich at the airport, with your money and sent you a picture of me eating it on the plane. You cannot control other people. It’s not kind.”

Someone else commented: “OP could’ve at least eaten the food just to not waste it. Better yet, they could’ve just let their mother eat her tuna sandwich. I don’t think it’ll stink that bad. And besides, they’re strangers.”

But another agreed with the son: “Tuna absolutely stinks! There is a reason they don’t sell tuna sandwiches on planes. I’d be sick if someone sat next to me was eating one.”




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