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Wages outstrip inflation for first time in two years, rising by near-record 7.8% | Personal Finance | Finance

The pace of UK wage growth has exceeded  for the first time in nearly two years, according to official figures.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that regular earnings saw a nearly record-breaking increase of 7.8 percent in the three months to August compared to last year, and were 0.7 percent higher with Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation taken into account.

Revised figures from the ONS show that annual growth in regular pay, excluding bonuses, surpassed CPI inflation by 0.1 percent in the preceding three months up to July. This contrasts with the initial estimate of flat real earnings growth.

It means that wages are now rising faster than prices for the first time since October 2021.

Chancellor said: “It’s good news that inflation is falling and real wages are growing, so people have more money in their pockets. To keep this progress, we must stick to our plan to halve inflation.”

The UK continued to soften in the three months to August with vacancies dropping to 988,000 in the three months to September. This marks the 15th consecutive fall.

Alice Haine, personal finance analyst at Bestinvest, commented: “The cooling jobs market appears to be finally feeding through to wage growth, with pay rises easing slightly after a summer of bumper increases.

“Regular pay, excluding bonuses, rose 7.8 percent on the year in the three months to August – a similar level  to the record growth rate achieved in the previous two periods when one-off bonus payments to NHS and civil service staff inflated the figures.”

Meanwhile real total pay, which includes bonuses, grew 8.1 percent over the same period, slightly down on the 8.5 percent seen in the previous period.

Ms Haine said: “In real terms, once inflation is factored in, real pay grew 1.1 percent and total pay 1.3 percent – positive news for households as it means incomes are finally gaining in value after being pummelled during the cost-of-living crisis.”

However, Ms Haine pointed out that wage growth is still “significantly higher” than the  might like, as it continues with its objective to bring inflation closer to its target of two percent.

She said: “While high wage growth can ease the financial squeeze for households, it runs the risk of fuelling inflation if businesses pass on that cost to customers by hiking the price of their goods and services.

“This would only add further pressure to household finances at a time when energy prices are under threat from geopolitical tensions and rising demand amid the colder weather.”

Stephen Perkins, managing director at Yellow Brick Mortgages echoed the sentiment, highlighting the “real danger” today’s data creates for another Base Rate Rise. 

Mr Perkins said: “This latest wage growth data shows above-inflation increases in wages and therefore spending power. This creates the real danger of another Base rate rise from the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee unless the next inflation print due tomorrow can settle its nerves.”

Craig Fish, director at Lodestone Mortgages & Protection, added: “Whilst it’s positive news that average earnings growth is roughly as expected, we aren’t quite out of the woods yet.

“It’s great news that people have more money in their pockets, even if it doesn’t feel like it, but Jeremy Hunt’s message this morning of ‘we must stick to our plan’ is a warning that another rise isn’t completely off the cards. That will be down to the much more important inflation data, which we await with bated breath.

With the labour market and wage growth likely to soften further towards the end of 2023, Ms Haine emphasised the importance of households shoring up their finances to prepare for all eventualities.

She said: “A solid rainy-day fund is vital in times of sudden financial stress, with six to 12 months’ worth of expenses the recommended sum to sustain a household through any unexpected periods without earned income.”

For those with no reserve funds in place, Ms Haine said: “Now is the time to clear expensive debt, rein in unnecessary expenditure and gradually build up a financial reserve.

“To start this journey, set a savings target then open a new account with a high interest rate – separate to your current account – and automate a small payment into it at the start of each month to protect the emergency pot from being swallowed up by everyday expenses.” 




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